What’s New 最新消息

Low Back Pain – Visceral, Cranial and Myofascial Chain Implications

The purpose of this seminar is to provide professional healthcare providers with an overview of the holistic osteopathic medicine assessment and management strategies that are applicable to low back pain disorders, integrating visceral, cranial and myofascial chains.

Speaker: Jaime Camarasa
Date: 24 January 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Venue: EOM-HK, 9/F, 788-790 Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK
CPD, PT Board of HK: 3 points

Online registration: http://www.iholistic.org/events/low-back-pain/ ‎


iYoga Class (January 2018)


【Yoga Basics】are recommended for those are new to yoga. This level emphasizes the basics of Iyengar Yoga and concentrates on standing yoga poses, forward bends, twists & relaxation. Attending these classes will help you experience more flexibility and develop your core strength, de-stress your life, and give you skills to relax both your body and mind.

日期和時間 Date and Time: 8/1 & 15/1   7:30pm-8:30pm

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
上課地點: 整全保健學院
Venue:Institute of Holistic Healthcare (IHH Education Centre)
9/F Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Rd, Kowloon
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825亦可到
Website 網址:  www.iholistic.org / www.iyogaplace.hk
亦可到: : http://www.iholistic.org/events/1990/ 報名

融合放鬆體驗 Harmonic Relaxation Session

50分鐘1 1聲音與精油放鬆體驗
50mins 1 on 1 Sound and Essential Oils Relaxation Session

體驗著重於​以精油香味及頌缽的缽聲,打開個人聲覺、嗅覺及觸感覺的狀態。從平衡身心狀態中,有效達至舒緩個人日常生活中的情緒壓力,進一步提升身 ‧ 心健康質素。

The session would help you to ease your pressure and maintain emotional balance. It brings you to experience the relaxation via focusing the sound of singing bowl and applying essential oils to open the sensory awareness. Give you a chance to boost up the quality of body-mind states and enhance the health lifestyles.

Helping to ease your pressure and maintain emotional balance

基本收費  Session Price:
HK$1,280 / 50分鐘 mins
額外加時 Time Extension :HK$380 /30分鐘Mins (To be discussed in the next round)

Promotion Suggestion:
10% off: 折扣優惠 為期三個月
Promotion Discount for 1st Trial
原價Original Price:HK$1280/ 1次Time
優惠Discount Price:HK$1150/ 1次Time

Monthly Package Discount月費套餐優惠
可享15% 套餐折扣優惠| 15% Special Offer for package

原價Original Price:HK$5,120 / 4次times /每月monthly
優惠Discount Price:HK$4,350/ 4次times /每月monthly (SAVE HK$770)

10分鐘 mins
個案了解及體驗介紹 Session Introduction
-個人個案了解及分享 Case Sharing
-頌缽與精油: 聲覺, 嗅覺及觸覺介紹
Introduction of using singing bowl and essential oils

40分鐘 mins
放鬆環節: 頌缽與精油體驗
Relaxation Session: singing bowl and essential oils
-互動頌缽與精油 Experience Interaction
-深層頌缽放鬆體驗 Deep Relaxation

Service Hours: Every Tuesday and Saturday (by appointment)
服務時間:  逢星期二及星期六 (敬請預約)

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及預約:
Tel 電話: 2537 2083 / 3741 1970
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
WhatsApp / WeChat: 9886 8085
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
地點 Address:
Room 508 TakShing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central. (MTR Central Exit C)

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
上課地點: 整全保健學院
Venue:Institute of Holistic Healthcare (IHH Education Centre)
9/F Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Rd, Kowloon
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及預約:
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
WhatsApp / WeChat: 9886 8085
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
地點 Address:
九龍彌敦道788-790號利美大廈9字樓 (港鐵太子站A出口)
9/F, Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Road, Kowloon (MTR Price Edward Exit A)
Room 508 TakShing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central. (MTR Central Exit C)
For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及預約:
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
WhatsApp / WeChat: 9886 8085
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
地點 Address:
九龍彌敦道788-790號利美大廈9字樓 (港鐵太子站A出口)
9/F, Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Road, Kowloon (MTR Price Edward Exit A)
Room 508 TakShing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central. (MTR Central Exit C)

哺乳顧問 Lactation Consultant

龍綺汶小姐  Miss Edith Long
哺乳顧問      Lactation Consultant

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Macau Registered Physiotherapist
高雄醫學大學 物理治療學系學士
Bachelor Degree of Physical Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University
高雄醫學大學 醫學系神經學科碩士

Master Degree of Science, Major in Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University


服務項目包括: 乳房評估及照顧、手擠奶的教導、協助開始哺乳、一般哺乳問題判斷與處理、舒壓技巧、運用不同姿勢哺乳、安撫嬰兒的技巧、職場哺乳的協助、特殊乳房狀況與哺乳、特殊嬰兒狀況哺乳、哺乳輔具的使用、拒吸母乳的處理、哺乳藥物諮詢、嬰幼兒餵食狀況建議。

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及預約:
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
WhatsApp / WeChat: 9886 8085
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
地點 Address:
九龍彌敦道788-790號利美大廈9字樓 (港鐵太子站A出口)
9/F, Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Road, Kowloon (MTR Price Edward Exit A)
Room 508 TakShing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central. (MTR Central Exit C)


冬灸是天灸的一種,是在一年中最寒冷的日子進行灸治,「三九」是冬至後的第三個九天,在三九天前後是一年中最寒冷的時候,很適宜用辛熱的藥物敷貼於穴位上。 天氣寒冷,人體肌膚腠理不固,衛外機能不全,容易患上呼吸道疾病。故於「三九天」進行天灸治療,可袪除寒邪、扶助正氣、提高人體的抗病能力。對於或治療各種寒性疾病如咳喘、泄瀉、風濕骨痛等,有良好的預防作用。曾接受三伏天天灸的人士,尤其適合於三九天作加強治療。

初九: 22/12/2017 (五)
二九: 31/12/2017 (日) **建議貼藥為30/12/2017(星期六)
三九: 09/01/2018 (二)

費用為六百二十元正 (包括整個療程共藥貼三次)。

iYoga Class (November-December 2017)


【Yoga Basics】are recommended for those are new to yoga. This level emphasizes the basics of Iyengar Yoga and concentrates on standing yoga poses, forward bends, twists & relaxation. Attending these classes will help you experience more flexibility and develop your core strength, de-stress your life, and give you skills to relax both your body and mind.

逢星期四Every Thursdays 7:30pm-8:30pm
***21/12 在iYoga Place上課

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
上課地點: 整全保健學院
Venue:Institute of Holistic Healthcare (IHH Education Centre)
9/F Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Rd, Kowloon
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
Website 網址:  www.iholistic.org / www.iyogaplace.hk
亦可到: http://www.iholistic.org/events/iyoga-class-november-december-2017/ 報名

11月健康講座 -低頭族肩頸護理DIY

認識影響˹低頭族˼的肩頸和上肢勞損性創傷, 並學習如何自我保護及改善問題。

日期: 2017年11月7日(星期二)
時間: 晚上七時半至八時半
地點: 整全保健學院教育中心
講者: 馮偉業物理治療師及中醫師
語言: 廣東話
報名及查詢: info@iholistic.org / 2537 2083 