Evonne 是我們的醫務助理和按摩師,擁有國家高級按摩師認證,並完成「肌筋膜鬆弛法」、「顱骶治療法」和「淋巴引流」的培訓。
Evonne is our Clinic Assistant and Massage Therapist. She has a national advanced massage therapist qualification. She has completed the “Myofascial Release”, “Craniosacral Therapy” and “Lymphatic Drainage Therapy” training.
顱骶治療法(Craniosacral Therapy) 是一種輕柔的手法,通過輕觸人體中軸顱骶系統,改變腦脊液的流動節律和流量,直接調節腦和脊髓的功能狀態,使中樞神經系統與身體其他系統恢復正常聯繫和自然運動,治療機體的多種疾病和創傷,以及解除情感或心理的困擾。
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle technique dealing the the Craniosacral System, which is the dural system of the Central Nervous System (CNS). It helps to improve the rhythm and flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and hence normalising the CNS and its relationship with the other systems of the body. It can help to restore normal function of the body and helps the recovery of many diseases and injuries, relieving emotional snd psychological stress.
肌筋膜鬆弛法(Myofascial Release)是針對肌肉和筋膜系統的治療方法,通過放鬆肌筋膜來達致重塑結構(Structural Integration)的效果。特別適合運動創傷的防治和改善姿勢與體位的問題。
Myofascial Release (MFR) aims at relieving the tension and adhesions of the muscles and fascial through structural integration. It is especially suitable for recovery from and prevention of sports injuries, improving posture and relieving general fatigue syndromes.
淋巴引流治療是一種輕柔的按摩手法,作用在體表的淋巴系統,令淋巴有效地回流血液循環系統,排走在身體上積累的水液和代謝物,幫助消除水腫、疲勞,有助身體更好地修復,防治水腫和淋巴積聚而引致的發胖和皮膚衰老,令身心得到放鬆。Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a gentle manual drainage technique for the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a supplementary system to the circulatory system. LDT helps to drain the fluid and metabolite retention of the body to reduce deem (swelling), relieve stress and assists in recovery. It is especially useful for obesity and skin ageing due to edema and lymph stagnation.
中式推拿(Chinese Massage)是通過按摩身體的經絡和肌肉筋膜系統,令氣血運行,調節臟腑的功能,消除肌肉疲勞,令身體修復和恢復,達至身心平衡的狀態。Chinese Medicine Massage works on the meridian, muscular and fascial systems of the body. It can help to improve the flow of Qi and blood in the body, regulating functions of the ZangFu (Organs). It can help to relief muscle fatigue and aches, restore body harmony, hence leading to a balance in mind and body.
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