Welcome to the web site of the Centre for Holistic Healthcare and the Kerry Fung and Associates Physiotherapy Services. We are committed in providing the highest level of healthcare for your health needs. Our practitioners come from different healthcare specialties, including Physiotherapists, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Podiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Massage Therapists, Yoga Instructors, Stretch and Pilates Instructor and other forms of healthcare to suit your personal needs, in order to achieve our ultimate goal for holistic health.
Health is a continuum of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. We are your partners to help you find health and quality of life.
歡迎來到整全保健學院醫療中心及馮偉業物理治療師事務所的網站。 我們致力於提供優質的整全醫療服務,我們提供不同的醫療方法,專業人員包括物理治療師、中醫師、足科診療師、臨床心理學家、職業治療師、推拿治療師、瑜伽導師、伸展及普拉提導師,和其他的整全醫療方法,幫助你達至整體的健康。
整全健康道,至善身心靈。 我們是你在人生旅途上的伙伴,助你找到健康和高質量的生活。
What’s New 最新消息
- 十二月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位
- Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy –Mobilization and Manipulation of the Upper Extremities (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand)
- 三九天冬灸
- 十一月份瑜伽優惠 *試堂$100/每位
- Hands that Feel and Heal-Diagnostic Palpation of the Cervical Spine
- Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Thoracic Spine
- 十月份瑜伽試堂優惠 (與友同行試堂, 第二位起半價) **人數不限
- Certificate in Acupuncture for Physiotherapist
- 九月份瑜伽試堂優惠(與友同行 第二位之後半價)
- 太子分店物理治療服務現已開放