Clinical Psychologist 臨床心理學家

Marian Wong 
Clinical Psychologist 

Registered under Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists (accredited by the Department of Health) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)                

MPsych (Clinical) (AU), MSc Mental Health Studies (UK), BSc(Hons) Psychology (UK)

Areas of expertise:          

– Adjustment and psychological difficulties arising from medical/health conditions (e.g. pain, cancer, sleeping problem, etc.)          
– Mood Disorders (e.g. Depression, Bipolar Disorder)         
– Various types of anxiety problems, including those suffering from phobias, panic attacks, health anxiety, obsessions and/or compulsive behaviours, etc. 
– Low self-esteem or are critical of themselves       
– Trauma/PTSD, grief and Loss

Marian is a Clinical Psychologist with more than a decades’ experience in the mental health arena. Having come from a multicultural background, Marian has worked with diverse populations across Hong Kong, the UK, Australia and Singapore, pioneering mental health initiatives in the latter. She offers consultations in-person in Hong Kong, as well as online appointments for HK, Singapore and globally.

In her practice, she does assessment and psychological treatment for a range of mental health conditions with children, adolescents, and adults (see above). She has a specialist interest in working with individuals experiencing psychological and existential distress due to their health conditions and those who face losses in life, be it a significant other, loss of certain roles/functioning, loss of meaning, and loss of self-confidence.

Marian strongly believes that psychological health is intimately linked to physical health and adopts a holistic approach in her treatment. She utilises a range of evidence-based therapy approaches in her sessions depending on patients’ individual needs and goals: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Compassion-focused approaches, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), grief counselling and mindfulness.

Marian has completed the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Foundational Teacher Training, and has trained with Dr Tamara Russell in the delivery of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and facilitated MBCT groups for individuals with Bipolar Disorder. She also completed the MBCT for Cancer Specialist Teacher Training. As Marian witnesses how being self-critical contributes to greater mental, emotional, and physical pain among individuals, she aspires to integrate a compassion-focused approach in her therapy sessions with patients so that one can create a more connected and balanced state of mind and heart that helps to alleviate suffering while enhancing intrapersonal well-being and meaning in life.

Prior to the clinical psychology training, Marian completed her first Masters in Mental Health Studies in the United Kingdom and worked under the National Health Service (NHS). During her clinical psychology training in Australia and Singapore, she initiated a CBT-based mental health paraprofessional training for Foreign Domestic Workers, which was the first of its kind in Singapore. She also previously worked extensively with psychosis patients under the ‘Jockey Club Early Psychosis’ project.

Languages: Cantonese, English, Mandarin


香港臨床心理學家公會註冊臨床心理學家 (衛生署認證) 及澳洲衛生執業者管理局註冊            

– 身體健康問題或疾病(例如痛症、癌症、睡眠問題等)而衍生的心理及存在困擾
– 抑鬱症、躁鬱症            
– 各類的焦慮症 (例如恐懼症、 驚恐症、健康焦慮、 強迫思想和強迫行為等)
– 低自尊、對自己非常苛刻        
– 經歷創傷, 喪親與面對各類失去的人士


Marian強烈相信心理健康與身體健康有著密切關係,並在治療中採取整全的方法。Marian會根據病人的特性,需要及情況而共同選取合適的心理治療方法。她常用的實証為本治療(Evidence-based treatment)包括: 接納與承諾治療 (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy); 認知行為治療 (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy); 慈悲焦點為本治療 (Compassion-focused approach); 辯證行為治療 (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy); Grief counselling (哀傷輔導); and Mindfulness-based intervention (靜觀為本治療) 。Marian完成了靜觀減壓課程導師基礎課程,並跟從 Dr Tamara Russell 為患有躁鬱症的病人提供靜觀認知治療小組。Marian其後完成了進階靜觀認知治療導師證書 (針對癌症) 。在心理治療的工作裡,Marian深深體驗到病人的自我苛刻為自己帶來更多精神,情緒及身體的痛苦。正因如此,在與病人的治療過程中,Marian會融入慈悲為本的手法,讓病人可以從過程中學會與自己建立更和諧的關係及更平衡的心智狀態 (mind and heart state), 從而減低受苦及增強內在心理能量及健康。

Marian在新加坡及澳洲接受臨床心理訓練之前,在英國完成了心理健康碩士並在英國國民保健署(NHS)工作。培訓時, 她也是首位在新加坡為外籍家庭傭工提供認知行為治療準專業輔導人員訓練。Marian亦在香港賽馬會思覺健康計劃裡支援患有思覺失調的病人。因有著這多元文化背景及在不同國家工作的經驗,Marian與不同文化國籍的病人相處時也多了一份觸覺。



Q: 臨床心理學家係咪精神科醫生?
A: 臨床心理學家同埋精神科醫生都係治療精神病以及情緒困擾嘅專業人士,但兩者用嘅方法唔同。臨床心理學家係使用實證為本 (evidence-based) 嘅心理治療,佢地掌握心理學的理論及實踐,佢透過面談同埋練習,與患者共同疏理出困擾住佢哋嘅癥結,協助佢地紓緩困擾帶來嘅影響;精神科醫生主要用藥物治療,會處方精神科藥物去調整引致精神問題嘅大腦神經傳遞物質嘅不平衡。

Q: 臨床心理學家會用咩方法幫我?
A: 臨床心理學家 熟悉各種精神困擾嘅診斷,擅長分析服務對象嘅想法、行為、環境等互動關係,從服務對象嘅成長背景、經歷、以及日常生活模式理解服務對象所面對嘅困難,並提供以實證為本嘅心理治療(evidence-based treatment),診治受精神困擾嘅人士。
臨床心理學家主要透過面談詳 細 了解當事人的情況同其他背景資料,同時透過合適嘅心理評估工具, 有效咁作出具科學理據嘅診斷,亦會搵出以及共同疏理出困擾住服務對象嘅癥結,同埋透過心理治療及練習協助佢地紓緩精神困擾帶來嘅影響。

Q: 臨床心理學可以處理什麼問題?
A: 臨床心理學家嘅服務對象包括任何受到不同問題(成長、情緒、行為、精神建康) 嘅困擾人士。例如過份憂慮、恐懼、抑鬱、暴躁、飲食失調、性格障礙、思覺失調、濫用藥物、因疾病 或創傷引發嘅情緒困擾以及適應問題等。臨床心理學家亦會協助唔同年齡以及階層嘅人士處理人生階段常遇上嘅成長困惑、感情挫折、人際關係問題、家庭問題及工作壓力等。

Q: 第一次見臨床心理學有冇咩要準備?
A: 臨床心理學家會問你問題,你只要如實咁描述你嘅情況就可以,就好似睇醫生咁問你邊度唔舒服咁。多數都會問到你嘅家庭、社交、工作、或者其他資料。覺得緊張、提及某啲經歷時可能會有唔舒服嘅感覺,都係好自然嘅,只要按自己覺得合適嘅步伐盡量坦白就可以啦。