We are committed to provide Holistic Healthcare and Physiotherapy Services to our clients.
Our clinics are conveniently located at the heart of Central, fully equipped with contemporary physiotherapy equipment and facilities to provide you with high quality physiotherapy services. Our practitioners adopt a holistic approach encompassing both Western and Chinese philosophy and science. We strive to ensure that you recover within the quickest possible period.
Chinese medicine service is another major service we provide. We utilize contemporary Chinese medicine prescriptions so you would be given medicine that are ready to be taken without the hassle of boiling raw medicine, the risk of charring the herbs and fire hazards. We would also provide acupuncture, Chinese manual therapy and tuina and other forms of Chinese medical services.
Services and Methods
我們的物理治療診所位於中區的心臟地帶,並配有完善的設備,為 閣下提供全面的服務。我們的治療師以整體觀及中西匯萃的方針為顧客提供優質的物理治療服務。 在每次治療時,我們會為 閣下作出詳細的檢查和評估,以達致正確的物理治療診斷才應用適當的治療方法,務求確保 閣下可在最短時間內康復。
- 一般跌打損傷和運動創傷、骨科痛症如頸肩腰 腿痛、頭痛或偏頭痛、暈眩、五十肩、網球肘、 高爾夫球肘、膝痛、足跟痛、骨傷康復和其他各樣痛症、職業性勞損如腰酸背痛、腕管綜合症、彈弓指、 職業性創傷的康復等
- 心肺系統疾病如肺炎、哮喘、心臟病的防治和康復等
- 外科病患如手術前後的護理、深層靜脈炎的防治等
- 婦產科病患如盆腔炎、乳癌併發症、產前和產後護理等
- 小兒科病患如肺炎及氣管炎、發育期間的痛症和毛病、腦性麻痺、智障併發情況等
- 老人科問題如中風後遺症、運動及行動不良、柏金森氏病、跌傷的防治、垂危病患的疼痛護理等
- 心身病,即心理和身體間相互影響的情況、例如心理問題引發的痛症或運動障礙、長期病患引致的心理障礙、因精神壓力而引起的胃痛、胸口痛、頭頸痛等。