Ms. Adriane Stjernkvist, BSc(Hons)PT, has join our team as a Physiotherapist today (22 July 2013). Ms. Stjernkvist’s clinical interests are musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy. She is committed to perform quality physiotherapy services to our clients with a holistic approach, utilizing detailed assessment and clinical reasoning, and applying the most suitable treatments, including manual therapy, acupuncture, electrophysical therapy and exercise therapy as appropriate. She is proficient in many languages, including English, Swedish, Spanish, French, as well as Chinese (Cantonese). To make an appointment with Ms. Stjernkvist, please ask our staff for “Adriane” or “Adrianna”.
施愛竹物理治療師於今天(2013年7月22日)正式加入我們的大家庭。 施小姐畢業於香港理工大學,獲得物理治療(榮譽)理學士學位,並且精通廣東話。 施小姐的臨床專長包括骨骼肌肉系統及運動物理治療等,她致力於運用仔細的評估和臨床判斷,為客人提供適切的物理治療服務,包括手法治療、運動治療、電及物理因子治療、針灸等等。 如欲預約施小姐診療,請與本診所職員聯絡。