Due to the Demonstrations in Central and Mongkok areas, traffic may be affected. Clients are advised to take care when coming to our clinics. If you find that the main gate to Takshing House is closed, please use the side gate for access. Our clinic will maintain normal service unless there is a major change in traffic conditions. Please do not hesitate to call us to update the current situation.
基於在中環及旺角所發生的社會活動,交通情況有所影響,客人前往診所時請小心留意交通及現場情況,如果發現德成大廈的正門關閉,請由側門進出大廈。 除非有嚴重影響交通的情況發生,本診所將維持正常服務。 如有疑問,請致電給我們。