Item Code 產品編號: FAAEAAG
- When the heel of the foot makes contact with the ground
- The air bag made of polyurethane
- Insole can absorbs the shock of the heel
- This relieves fatigue in the legs and feet
- The air bag is a supplementation of the arch
- The air in the air bag pressed from the heel is flown towards the arch of the foot to provide support and prevent the falling of the arch
- 當腳後跟與地面接觸時,氣囊聚氨酯製成的鞋墊可吸收腳跟所承受的衝擊
- 這將舒緩腿和腳所承受的衝擊
- 額外添加一個氣囊來承受壓力
- 鞋墊中的氣囊可從按壓為腳跟朝向足弓提供支持和防跌