Item Code 產品編號: M-VITCJ
Jamieson Vitamin C is derived from rosehips. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to help fight colds and strengthen your immune system. As an added benefit, Vitamin C speeds tissue healing and maintains strong bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. It also help to improve skin tone and to produce collagen.
Jamieson 天然維他命C提煉自純天然玫瑰花蕾。維他命C具有很強還原能力,能把平日植物性食品所含的鐵或銅質轉成容易為人體吸收的形態,有助人體吸收鐵質,有效預防貧血、壞血病、骨折等功能。其更是天然抗氧化劑,能增強抵抗能力,促進細胞組織及牙齒健康,加速細胞新及傷口癒合;並有助刺激骨膠原生長,幫助提升皮層機能,以抵禦外來有害侵損,布助抑制黑色素沉澱,發揮美白肌膚功效。