Item Code 產品編號: T-SPRG
- Made by four major compositions: Menthol, Aloe extract, Hazel extract and Korean Mugwort.
- Helps to relax the muscles and improve the lymphatic circulation.
- Helps soothe and moisturize tensed skin, keeping it nourished.
- Soothing and astringent effects, and keep the skin healthy.
- Without chemical or cosmetic compositions.
- To Use: Apply a small amount to the skin and rub gently.
- Indications: Muscle stiffness/ tiredness/ spasm
- 含四種成份包括:薄荷、蘆薈、金縷梅及天然艾草
- 有助放鬆肌肉,紓減壓力,促進淋巴流通
- 滋潤肌膚,具保濕功效,令肌膚保持柔軟
- 抗菌,收斂及抗炎作用
- 不含任何化學化妝品成份
- 使用方法:取少量塗於肌膚,輕力揉搓
- 適應症:肌肉緊張及疲勞、肌肉拉傷、肌肉痙攣