關節健康與疼痛管理 (免費講座)

**講座完結後 可得到禮品一份


日期: 2025年2月19日 (星期三)
時間: 下午2:30-3:30
地點: 整全保健學院綜合服務中心
九龍旺角花園街250號地下B店 (港鐵太子站A出口)
語言: 廣東話

電話/ Whatsapp / Wechat微信 : (+852) 9740 9143 / 9886 8085
傳真: 2125 8825


Our Director, Kerry Fung, and Physiotherapist, Jadee Ng, will be teaching in Beijing. Our Chinese medicine and physiotherapy services will be temporarily suspended between PM of Thursday, 23 January and AM of Monday, 27 January 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

馮偉業醫師/物理治療師 及吳倩儀物理治療師 將會到北京講課,2025 年 1 月 23 日(星期四)下午至 1 月 27 日(星期一)上午,本診所將暫停中醫及物理治療服務,敬希垂注及見諒。


Our Director, Kerry Fung, and Physiotherapist, Jadee Ng, will be out of town for on-field physiotherapy team support for The Asian Orienteering Championships 2024. Our Chinese medicine and physiotherapy services will be temporarily suspended between PM of Friday 20 December and Thursday 26 December, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

馮偉業醫師/物理治療師及吳倩儀物理治療師將隨隊出賽為香港野外定向總會到泰國提供駐場物理治療服務,故由2024 年 12 月 20 日(星期五)下午至12 月 26 日(星期四)期間,本診所將暫停中醫及物理治療服務,敬希垂注及見諒。

可能是‎雜誌、報紙、海報和‎顯示的文字是「 ‎؟ KFA 物 理治療 療 PHYSIOTHERAPY 理 Our Director, Kerry Fung, and Physiotherapist, Jadee Ng, will be out of town for on-field physiotherapy team support for The Asian Orienteering Championships 2024. Our Chinese medicine and physiotherapy services will be temporarily suspended between M of Friday 20 December and Thursday 26 December, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 馮偉業醫師/物理治療師及吳情儀物理 馮偉業醫師/ 治療師將隨隊出賽為香港野外定向總會 到泰國提供駐場物理治療服務, 故由 2024 2024年12月20日 (星期五) 024年12月20日(星期五)下午至 下午至 12月26日(星期四)期間,本診所將 12月26日 (星期四) 26日(星期四) 期間, 本診所將 暫停中醫及物理治療服務 服務,敬希垂注】 敬希垂注及 見諒。‎」‎‎ 的圖像

十二月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位

十二月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位
歡迎舊雨新知參加 (只要過去24個月內從未參加過本館課程人士)

50+工具瑜伽體驗 60分鐘
50+瑜伽 60分鐘
限定時間: 逢星期六 下午2:00-3:00 (荔枝角店)
套票: 1260/10堂 (固定連續十個星期完成)

*以小班教學 額滿即止

試堂後即時購買套票 贈送電子禮券
套票價值滿$1000或以上 $50
套票價值滿$2000或以上 $120
套票價值滿$4000或以上 $280
套票價值滿$7000或以上 $560

*不設調課、補課、延期。(無論任何原因)如因天氣影響, 課程順延一星期。

九龍旺角花園街250號B地舖 (太子地鐵站A出口,步行2 分鐘即達)
九龍荔枝角大南西街609號永義廣場19樓A室 (港鐵荔枝角站B1出口,步行一分鐘即達)

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
旺角電話/ Whatsapp / Wechat : (+852) 9740 9143 
荔枝角 WhatsApp 9864 1183
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825  Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Website 網址: www.iholistic.org / www.iyogaplace.hk

Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy –Mobilization and Manipulation of the Upper Extremities (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand)

Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Upper Extremities (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand)

A Fundamental skill that every physiotherapist should master


Saturday 3:00pm-9:00pm
Sunday 10:00am – 7:00pm

Tuition Fee: HK$4,980

Instructor: Kerry Fung OStJ
BHSc, BCM, MSc, MSc, PDPT, PCSpManipTher, PCPeripManipTher, PCClassOsteo, DipAc, CBP

Read more, please visit: http://www.iholistic.org/programs/program-information/

For additional information & enquiries, please contact
Institute of Holistic Healthcare
Tel: (+852) 2537 2083 / 9740 9143
WhatsApp / WeChat: (+852) 9886 8085 / 9740 9143
E-mail: info@iholistic.org
Website: www.iholistic.org





2024年12月21日 (六)
2024年12月30日 (一)
2025年1月8日 (三)

費用為六百二十元正 (包括整個療程共藥貼三次)。

十一月份瑜伽優惠 *試堂$100/每位

十一月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位
歡迎舊雨新知參加 (只要過去24個月內從未參加過本館課程人士)

50+工具瑜伽體驗 60分鐘
50+瑜伽 60分鐘
限定時間: 逢星期六 下午2:00-3:00 (荔枝角店)
套票: 1260/10堂 (固定連續十個星期完成)

*以小班教學 額滿即止

試堂後即時購買套票 贈送電子禮券
套票價值滿$1000或以上 $50
套票價值滿$2000或以上 $120
套票價值滿$4000或以上 $280
套票價值滿$7000或以上 $560

*不設調課、補課、延期。(無論任何原因)如因天氣影響, 課程順延一星期。

九龍旺角花園街250號B地舖 (太子地鐵站A出口,步行2 分鐘即達)
九龍荔枝角大南西街609號永義廣場19樓A室 (港鐵荔枝角站B1出口,步行一分鐘即達)

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
旺角電話/ Whatsapp / Wechat : (+852) 9740 9143 
荔枝角 WhatsApp 9864 1183
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825  Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Website 網址: www.iholistic.org / www.iyogaplace.hk

Hands that Feel and Heal-Diagnostic Palpation of the Cervical Spine

Hands that Feel and Heal
Diagnostic Palpation of the Cervical Spine

Christopher graduated as a physiotherapist in Australia in the 70’s and started practicing as a manipulative physiotherapist since the 80’s. He was one of the fore-fathers of manipulative physiotherapy in Hong Kong. He is returning to Hong Kong for a short time and this seminar is an excellent learning opportunity for all physiotherapists especially if you are keen to improve your clinical skills in the examination and treatment of the cervical spine.

Part I
Subjective Examination that leads to directional objective examination in arriving at a diagnosis.
*Focus on getting a rapport and confidence from the clients
*The importance of a thorough subjective examination is, “You need to find the problem before you can fix it”.

Part II
Objective Examination that confirms the diagnosis (with intense practicals)
1. Find the sorest, stiffest comparable level – the problem.
2. Confirm the subjective symptoms comparable to the objective findings.
3. Palpation of soft tissue muscle tension or spasms corresponds to the cervical level – articular pillar.
4. How to explain your findings in arriving in your diagnosis of the clients symptoms (problem).
5. How to make use of the movement diagrams (Maitland).
6. Emphasize the exercises in self-treatment and self-progress.

CPD 3 points pending – Physiotherapists Board of HK

Fee: $580
Date: 14 November 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Venue: Shop B, G/F, 250 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon

For additional information & enquiries, please contact
Institute of Holistic Healthcare
Tel: (+852) 2537 2083 / 9740 9143
WhatsApp / WeChat: (+852) 9886 8085 / 9740 9143
E-mail: info@iholistic.org
Website: www.iholistic.org

Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Thoracic Spine

Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Thoracic Spine

A Fundamental skill that every physiotherapist should master


Saturday 3:00pm-10:00pm
Sunday 10:00am – 7:00pm

Tuition Fee: HK$4,980

Instructor: Kerry Fung OStJ
BHSc, BCM, MSc, MSc, PDPT, PCSpManipTher, PCPeripManipTher, PCClassOsteo, DipAc, CBP

Read more, please visit: http://www.iholistic.org/programs/program-information/

For additional information & enquiries, please contact
Institute of Holistic Healthcare
Tel: (+852) 2537 2083 / 9740 9143
WhatsApp / WeChat: (+852) 9886 8085 / 9740 9143
E-mail: info@iholistic.org
Website: www.iholistic.org

十月份瑜伽試堂優惠 (與友同行試堂, 第二位起半價) **人數不限

十月份瑜伽試堂優惠 **與友同行試堂, 第二位起半價 (人數不限)
歡迎舊雨新知參加 (只要過去24個月內從未參加過本館課程人士)

瑜伽90分鐘 $280正價,第二位起半價 $140
50+瑜伽 / 伸展60分鐘 $160正價,第二位起半價$80
4人成班 (限6人)

Pilates Reformer 60分鐘 / 瑜伽90分鐘 $390正價,第二位起半價 $195
牆繩瑜伽 60分鐘 $300正價,第二位起半價$150
瑜伽 / 伸展 60分鐘 $250正價,第二位起半價$125
Pilates Reformer 3人成班 (限4人)
其他課程 5人成班 (限8人)

*人數不限,以小班教學 額滿即止

試堂後即時購買套票 贈送電子禮券
套票價值滿$1000或以上 $50
套票價值滿$2000或以上 $120
套票價值滿$4000或以上 $280
套票價值滿$7000或以上 $560

*不設調課、補課、延期。(無論任何原因)如因天氣影響, 課程順延一星期。

九龍旺角花園街250號B地舖 (太子地鐵站A出口,步行2 分鐘即達)
九龍荔枝角大南西街609號永義廣場19樓A室 (港鐵荔枝角站B1出口,步行一分鐘即達)

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
旺角電話/ Whatsapp / Wechat : (+852) 9740 9143 
荔枝角 WhatsApp 9864 1183
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825  Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
Website 網址: www.iholistic.org / www.iyogaplace.hk