Podiatry / Chiropody Service 足病診療服務

Welcome Miss Jonas Lam, Podiatrist, who joined our team and will provide Podiatry / Chiropody service in our Central and Mongkok Clinics by appointment.  For details, please see this page.  Please call us for appointments.


Telephone for Appointment 預約電話: 25372083


Check out our new Products page 請參閱我們的產品專頁

We have included a new Products page in our web site.  The list is not exclusive but you may have a glance at the types of products we can offer to our clients.  Please do not hesitate to contact our staff for further information of the products.

Please take a look here.

我們新加入了一個產品專頁在我們的網站內,雖然這不是一個完整的目錄,但可以讓你知道我們有那些類型的產品可以提供給客戶。 請與我們的職員聯絡,以獲得更多的產品資訊。


Farewell, Lara 再見,寶如

With much emotions we bid farewell to Miss Lara Wong, our Senior Clinic Assistant, who left our workforce on 1 August 2015.  We shall miss Lara very much and we wish her every success in her future career.  Please contact Miss Kitty Chan, our Clinic Supervisor, or other Clinic Assistants for assistance in the future.

懷著深切的不捨,我們向高級診所助理黃寶如小姐說再見。  黃小姐業於八月一日離開了工作崗位,我們謹祝願黃小姐在事業上有更好的發揮。 各位可以繼續聯絡我們的診所主管陳美鳳女士或其他助理為你服務。

Clinic Assistant Wanted 誠徵助理

Clinic Assistant Wanted

We are looking for a high calibre person who is interested to work with us in assisting our physiotherapists, Chinese medicine practitioners and other healthcare providers in rendering health care service to clients; and to assist in the operation of the educational institute.

If you are devoted to work in our team and develop yourself in the healthcare field, please talk to our manager, Ms. Lau, or write us at hr@kerryfung.com (Please include your resume).


如果你有興趣跟我們的團隊合作,協助物理治療師、中醫師和其他醫療人員提供醫療服務,和協助開展培訓課程,請跟我們的經理劉小姐聯絡,或電郵至 hr@kerryfung.com (請附上履歷)

Normal Service at Central and Mongkok Clinics 中環及旺角診所維持正常服務

Due to the Demonstrations in Central and Mongkok areas, traffic may be affected.  Clients are advised to take care when coming to our clinics.  If you find that the main gate to Takshing House is closed, please use the side gate for access.  Our clinic will maintain normal service unless there is a major change in traffic conditions.  Please do not hesitate to call us to update the current situation.

基於在中環及旺角所發生的社會活動,交通情況有所影響,客人前往診所時請小心留意交通及現場情況,如果發現德成大廈的正門關閉,請由側門進出大廈。 除非有嚴重影響交通的情況發生,本診所將維持正常服務。 如有疑問,請致電給我們。

Renovation / Relocation of Central Clinic 中環診所裝修/搬遷

The renovation / removal works at our Central clinic has been completed. Please look to the right of the original wooden door and find us through the glass door next to it. We hope our clients would enjoy the new environment and feel good receiving healthcare services at the new premises. The room number, phone numbers and other contact details remain the same.
我們中環診所的裝修/搬遷工程已經完成,大家來時請留意我們的入口已經改為原來的木門旁邊(請往右望)的玻璃門。 希望新的診所能為大家提供更佳的空間和設施,令大家有個更好的健康服務體驗。 我們的門牌號碼、電話號碼和其他通訊資料跟以往一樣,並無改變。

New entrance to Central Clinic
New entrance to Central Clinic

江門市宗醫館 Chinese Medicine Clinic, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China


Dr Kerry Fung and Dr Alex Leung, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, will be consulting at Jiangmenshi Zhongyiguan (Chinese Medicine Clinic at Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China) and will give a lecture on Neck and Back Pain on 18-19 April 2014.

Map 地圖

Welcome to join us 歡迎加入我們

Our clinics in Central and Mongkok are going to be renovated to accommodate more practitioners to practice together.  If you are a physiotherapist, Chinese medicine practitioner or other healthcare practitioner, e.g. occupational therapist, speech therapist, podiatrist, chiropractor, clinical psychologist, massage therapist, lactation consultant, who would like to pursue a career in private practice, or want to work for flexible hours, with freedom from the hassles of management and getting good supporting service, please consider joining us as an associate.  Please email hr@kerryfung.com for further discussion.

本診所的中環及旺角診所將會重新裝修,以容納更多醫療專業人士同時執業。 如果你是一位物理治療師、中醫師、或其他醫療專業人員,例如職業治療師、言語治療師、足科診療師、脊醫、臨床心理學家、推拿治療師、哺乳顧問,想在私營市場建立事業,或者想有自由的工作時間,又無需擔心煩瑣的行政事宜,同時得到良好的支援服務,請加入我們成為合伙人。 請電郵至 hr@kerryfung.com 作進一步溝通。