Our clinics in Central and Mongkok are going to be renovated to accommodate more practitioners to practice together. If you are a physiotherapist, Chinese medicine practitioner or other healthcare practitioner, e.g. occupational therapist, speech therapist, podiatrist, chiropractor, clinical psychologist, massage therapist, lactation consultant, who would like to pursue a career in private practice, or want to work for flexible hours, with freedom from the hassles of management and getting good supporting service, please consider joining us as an associate. Please email hr@kerryfung.com for further discussion.
本診所的中環及旺角診所將會重新裝修,以容納更多醫療專業人士同時執業。 如果你是一位物理治療師、中醫師、或其他醫療專業人員,例如職業治療師、言語治療師、足科診療師、脊醫、臨床心理學家、推拿治療師、哺乳顧問,想在私營市場建立事業,或者想有自由的工作時間,又無需擔心煩瑣的行政事宜,同時得到良好的支援服務,請加入我們成為合伙人。 請電郵至 hr@kerryfung.com 作進一步溝通。