6月健康講座: 肩周炎-結了冰的肩膊



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更年期問題包括皮膚出現皺紋,鬆弛,老人斑,粗糙;乳房萎缩下垂, 性器官萎缩;尿失禁,便秘;骨質疏鬆,牙齒脱落;肥胖、脂肪肝;高血脂、高血糖;心悸、盗汗、情绪緊張、失眠等。

要卵巢回復年青狀態,再次分泌女性賀爾蒙, 就能持續年輕健康。

講者: 韓志琼中醫師

語言: 廣東話

如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083

1月健康講座: 不是老人病 – 骨質疏鬆


近年骨質疏鬆個案有持續上升的趨勢,很多人以為骨質疏鬆只是一種老人病,其實不然!  那我們為甚麼會有骨質疏鬆呢? 誰會受影響? 它是否與女性的更年期有關?男士又會否生這個病? 我們可以怎樣治療, 和更重要的,預防它呢? 這些問題的答案, 我們會在這個講座中為你解答, 萬勿錯過。

如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083 (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)

三九天冬灸 Natural Moxibustion in Winter Time



11月健康講座: 從中醫角度看常見的婦科問題

痛經、月經先期(經期過密)、月經後期(經期過疏)、白帶、陰痒、膀胱炎、崩漏、經期間出血、功能性子宮出血、子宮肌瘤、不孕、絕經、更年經綜合症等常見婦科問題,常常困擾著現代婦女。 現代醫學對於處理這些問題,往往有一定的局限性,療效有時也只能治標,不能治本,又或需要以對抗療法,手術切除告終。
中醫學對人體的詮釋,以陰陽、五行、臟腑、氣血為主,女為陰體、為血之軀,陰陽不平衡、臟腑氣血的不和,往往會影響到女性的生理。 通過這個講座,馮偉業醫師會從中醫學的角度,剖釋婦科常見問題的背後原因,從而協助參加者從治本清源的角度,調理身體,達到防治婦科病患的目的。 對於一般婦女,或希望照顧女伴的人士,皆有裨益。

如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083 (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)
大家亦可到 http://www.kerryfung.com/?p=1167報名

X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking

We are welcoming a new team member at Kerry Fung & Associates, Adriane Stjernqvist, whom will be holding the first out of 5 talk series introducing some of the most popular extreme sports in team, individual and social settings offered in Hong Kong today.

Hong Kong, one of the most adventurous and buzzing cities in the world, is commonly known for it’s fast paced lifestyle. However, have you ever considered ways that would help you travel even faster everyday?

Come and join us on September 24th, as Adriane will teach you how to walk even faster than you’d ever think possible! – introducing Race Walking as the first health talk on the X-treme sports mini series. This talk will include movement analysis as well as advice for safe training and injury prevention. We are hosting this  in conjunction with the upcoming annual MTR Race Walking 2013 taking place on October 14th. So whether you are a participant, sponsor, or interested sports fanatic trying to pick up a new hobby.

We welcome you! Come and join us.

Speaker: Miss Adriane Stjernkvist (Registered Physiotherapist)

●Talk In English

●Free Admission

X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking.

X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking 防治創傷的貼士 & 競步知多少 ?

talk leaflet 10
We are welcoming a new team member at Kerry Fung & Associates, Adriane Stjernqvist, whom will be holding the first out of 5 talk series introducing some of the most popular extreme sports in team, individual and social settings offered in Hong Kong today.

 Hong Kong, one of the most adventurous and buzzing cities in the world, is commonly known for it’s fast paced lifestyle. However, have you ever considered ways that would help you travel even faster everyday?

 Come and join us on October 8th, as Adriane will teach you how to walk even faster than you’d ever think possible! – introducing Race Walking as the first health talk on the X-treme sports mini series. This talk will include movement analysis as well as advice for safe training and injury prevention. We are hosting this  in conjunction with the upcoming annual MTR Race Walking 2013 taking place on October 14th. So whether you are a participant, sponsor, or interested sports fanatic trying to pick up a new hobby.

Last minute tip for Race Walker attending the MTR Race.
Don’t miss the chance ! Come and join us.

Speaker: Miss Adriane Stjernkvist (Registered Physiotherapist)
Date: 8th October 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Venue: Room 508, Takshing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
For enquiries, please contact us at 2537 2083 
Seats are limited, please reserve yours early

●Talk In English

●Free Admission